Sharing perspectives and tips on marketing and design.

When does minimalist logo design become bad design?
“Timeless” design is pretty synonymous with clean, simple, minimalist design. And timeless design is often the primary aim for a logo designer. For examples of what I mean, think of IBM’s Rebus design, Nasa’s worm logotype, McDonald’s golden arches, Milwaukee Brewers...

What does a well-designed brand even look like?
We all know Nike and Apple are the brands to point to when you want to applaud the role of design in a company. But most businesses aren’t aspiring to such a global reach, nor do they have the kind of early-to-market advantages that those companies had. These days...

5 concepts anyone marketing something needs to know
When I started my design business, I went into it knowing my role would span administration, client relations, and the design work itself. But what’s surprised me the most over the years is how much my clients have to learn about what they’re hiring me to do. One of...